Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sharks and Princes and Boobies, OH MY!


So, yesterday afternoon our class took a little trip to the aquarium in Gijón. I absolutely love aquariums, I think they´re very soothing or something... I loved loved loved the sharks...and they had the cool shark tunnel that you walk through underneath them...I took some pictures but they all pretty much sucked because we weren´t allowed to use a flash. We had a tour guide, and I was stoked that I actually understood most of what she said because she wasn´t talking very slow :). Here´s one cool picture of a shark that I took...pretty much the only one that turned out. Oo and this other one of a gigantor lobster.

I forgot to decode my Spanish assignment for those of you who can´t read it because it´s a super funny, embarrassing, slightly creepy story. Courtney and I were walking home from class one day through the park and we passed this guy coming the other way. As soon as we passed him he turned around and started following us and yelling "Oi!" but we weren´t sure if he was talking to us or not so we just kept walking and didn´t turn around. Sure enough, a couple minutes later I feel someone graze up against my arm. He started asking us if we spoke English and where we were from. He said he loved girls who spoke English because they could speak English where he was from in Nigeria. Then he went on to tell me that the moment he saw me he knew he had to turn around and follow me because he was sure that I was the love of his life...real subtle eh? I had absolutely no idea how to repond to that, but Courtney lost it laughing. He followed us almost all the way home and was calling me his angel and saying he "didn´t want to miss me" and he wanted to come with me. We got smart at this point though and stopped walking and tried to get him to leave. He wouldn´t go until he´d given me his number though and made me promise (with my fingers crossed) to call him. He also showed me his email address which said now we call him my Nigerian Prince haha. He was actually pretty decent looking, but they whole creepiness factor totally eclipsed the cuteness. After he left we walked around the block a bit just to make sure he didn´t see where we lived...lot´s of girls here seem to be having problems of boys following them home... no bueno.

Women always lay out topless here! Not just at the beach...Courtney and I walk through a park to get home everyday and we just see tons of ta-tas everyday!

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